SaltyNUI - Discourage non Teamspeak Users


Discourage Users without Temspeak running when using SaltyChat!

The goal of this simple Lua scirpt is to block Player from moving & display a black screen when your Server is using the SaltyChat System but the the Player isnt online on your Teamspeak Server similar to TokoVoip's one.

What is Saltychat?

SaltyChat is an Open-Source Community Supported Proximity Chat system using a Teamspeak Server instead of the GTA-V Voice Chat. 

It offers many features besides the Proximity Chat like Radio Channels and Private Phone Calls.

Download SaltyChat

 How to Install?

  • Rename the Downloaded Folder to "saltynui"
  • Copy the Folder into your ressources/ folder
  • Add `ensure saltynui` to your server.cfg and make sure the NUI is started AFTER SaltyChat.

Older Tutorials can be found HERE


SaltyNUI - Discourage Users without Temspeak running when using SaltyChat!

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