erp_towscript - Custom Vehicle Tow-Script for FiveM


Highly Customisable and top working Vehicle Towing Script for FiveM

This Script has many many Options for you to Change the behaivour of the Tow-Truck & does work in latest FiveM builds even after all the vehicle entity changes.


Pretty obvious, attaching vehicles onto your Flatbed 🙂


  • Blacklisting vehicles from being towed
  • Job restriction (to a Job of your choice)
  • Usage via Command/Event (Command can be disabled)
  • Multiple Flatbeds with custom positioning for the towed vehicles
  • Multi-Language-Support 

How to Install?

  1. Download the latest Release of erp_towscript
  2. Copy the Folder into your resources/ folder
  3. Add `ensure erp_towscript` to your server.cfg
  4. Add your Flatbed Vehicles to the "config.lua" file and change the Offset properly. 
  5. Change your prefered Language in the "config.lua" file
  6. Change other stuff in the "config.lua" file to your preffered settings
  7. Have fun using the Script :) 

PS: Dont start the Script when the Server is Running. Since it loads your Player-Data, it needs to be started with the Server and Players need to join AFTER the Script has been Started alredy.


  • es_extended - 1.x

Language Support

  • de - German | Done by me 
  •  en - English | Done by me 
  •  nl - Dutch | Thanks to @Jaccosf
  •  tr - Turkish | Thanks to @Wizley#3099
  •  pt - Portuguese | Thanks to @coentro

Config explanation

Option | Description

------------- | -------------

Locale | The Language of the messages send by the script

JobRestriction | Whether or not only a certain ESX Job should be allowed to use the Tow-Function 

NeededJob | The Job needed to use the Tow-Function 

EnableCommand | Should the `/tow` Command be enabled?

VehicleRange  | How far away can a Car Stand behind the Flatbed to be recognized

OnlyStoppedEngines | Should Vehicles with a running Engine be allowed to be Towed

FlatbedDistance | The Distance a Vehicle should be teleported to when unloading it from the Flatbed

Flatbeds | The list of your Flatbeds + Its offset to the Vehicles Center position when Attaching Vehicles to it.

TowBlacklist | A List of vehicles not allowed to be Towed (eg. mule, monstertruck, etc.)

Adding the Event to your Menues 

If you dont want to use the `/tow` or you simply want to add a button into your Job menue to Tow a Vehicle, you can Trigger the Script's own event for that like this:


Does this generate Lag?

Since i got many requests on "Does this Script generate lag / how is its CPU time on resmon" 

i checked it and it was as i expected it: 0,00ms!
